Thursday morning, I had a procedure
on my spine that, according to my surgeon, will allow me to return to normal
today. So far, so good. I have been having some issues over the past few
weeks that have become debilitating and I am tired of it. It is nice to
walk without pain or numbness.
Next Tuesday, I will begin teaching
a new set of beginner square dance lessons. I will be using the SSD list
of calls and teaching from standard positions only. My goal is to have
the new dancers graduate and join my club in 12-13 weeks. In today’s
world, no dancers are not going to allot any more than that to join any
activity. I think everyone agrees that is a given. My plan is a 12-week
plan in the middle of which I will have a halfway party at our club dance. I hope
to make the entire learning experience one of fun and dancing, not work.
My club is a Mainstream club and will remain a Mainstream club. The
integration is quite simple. After graduation, over the next few club
nights, I will introduce the remaining 8 calls from the Mainstream list but in
a dancing atmosphere, not a teaching mode. From that point on, the club
will dance Mainstream with no intention of moving to Plus. It will
remain a Mainstream club. During the second six months of the year, we will
repeat the process. It is my job to make the dancing enough fun to retain
the dancers as club members.
Now, I understand this approach is
frowned up by the proponents of SSD as all saving solution to the
square-dancing attrition rate. Frankly, I do not care because their
solution does not fit the dynamic of my area. I have been in favor
of the SSD program for years but, now that its followers have become so rigid
in its execution, I find that I disagree with its implementation. As
a destination, no. As a teaching too, excellent. Shorter time
to dancing and keeping it fun and simple. Those are the keys, in my